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The Hampton Clinic
We know it is a time for happiness and celebration but, for many, Christmas can be stressful. All the planning, decorating and socialising of the festive period really does take a toll on the stress levels when me-time is low on your list of priorities, that’s why we’ve put together a few tips on how to keep Christmas stress at bay:
Make lists
Don’t wait until the last minute to start preparing for Christmas or the inevitable outcome is an overload! When you plan ahead, you avoid mounting pressures.
Ask for help
Don’t hesitate to ask family and friends for help if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed. Wrapping presents, shopping, cooking… Everything will be easier with a helping hand!
Get in touch with your feelings
Think about what Christmas means for you. For some, it may be about volunteering and making oneself useful which can be a positive, new and rewarding experience and a way to lift your spirits.
Take a break
Give yourself the same care you would your best friend. Take a step back from thinking about what gifts to buy others and what food to cook for others. Have a massage, visit a spa, read a book or go for a long walk in the nature instead.
If you focus on getting plenty of downtime during the festive period, you should breeze through Christmas and emerge in the New Year feeling refreshed!
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